It must be collected using special machines that work automatically. The traditional mechanics of mining in-game currency also remained in place. At the same time, the story campaign is built in such a way that you can win not only by completely destroying the enemy - there are several different options. You have to take control of the troops of one of the parties, build a base, develop it, customize buildings, hire units and constantly fight with the enemy. Play as one of the sides and win in different ways At the same time, the game adheres to the traditions of the series and is based on standard mechanics for it. The missions of both campaigns and their stories develop in parallel and are tightly interconnected.

The game has two story campaigns, where the player has to play for each side. A certain Kane becomes the head of the NOD, who laid the myth of a divine gift, which is considered to be Tiberium, as the basis of his rule. These are the rebel troops of the NOD organization, which wanted to become an independent state and conquer the whole world, as well as the liberation army of the GSS, a single world state that wants to completely destroy tiberium and restore the planet's ecology by all means. In 2047, earthlings were divided into two categories. The events take place in an alternate future. You will see an alternative history, and tiberium will be one of the main resources on the planet. Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars is one of the best representatives of the series.