To use KeyShot instead of the ZBrush BPR, go to Render > External Renderer and click the KeyShot button to make it the default rendering engine for ZBrush. The process of rendering your ZBrush models or scenes in KeyShot is simple and is primarily determined by the materials used in ZBrush. Model updates can be sent over via the LiveLinking connection with KeyShot with no need to reapply materials, with all changes appearing instantly in real time. The ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge is a plugin that allows you to send your model to KeyShot with a single click of the BPR button, transferring all SubTools, Polypaint, and textures. Using the BPR button, you can instantly send all SubTools, including Polypaint and MatCaps, to KeyShot and gain access to hundreds of material and lighting presets, allowing you to create look dev, pre-viz concepts, promo art, and production visuals faster than ever before.

KeyShot Pro can be used in conjunction with the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge on Windows or macOS to enable real-time rendering of your model inside KeyShot. KeyShot Pro (in conjunction with the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge) enables you to paint, light, and view your models in real-time, as well as send all model changes back to KeyShot for an unrivaled workflow in creating concepts and product visuals.